Go on a microscope naturalist field trip without leaving the room.
Image Gallery
Some examples of my digital images
These galleries present examples of images of the things that can be seen under the microscope by any naturalist. These images were captured by a small digital camera through an adapter mounted on a microscope.
Gallery of Miscellaneous Microscopic Organism Images
Unidentified (possibly a leg of a spider?)
Found in a moss sample near a creek.
Tardigrade - Echinodiscus sp.
Collected from Grandon Creek
Herring Egg
(about 6-12 days old?) Picked up in the surf zone on Qualicum Beach, during spring herring spawn.
Red coraline growth
On old coral substrate
The skeleton is composed of Strontium sulphate.
Marine copepod?
Noctiluca scintillans
A large bioluminescent dinoflagellate
Fungus Hyphomycetes - spore
Spore of Tetraploa aristata (identified by Dr. Bryce Kendrick)
Gallery of Microscopic Worms Images
Round Worm
Nematode? from moss sample at Grandon Creek BC
Gallery of Ostracod Images
Ostracod test
In beach sand sample from Saddle Island NZ
Ostracod test
In beach sand sample from Saddle Island NZ
Gallery of Foraminifera Images
Elphidium crispum
foraminiferal tests from dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Elphidium crispum
foraminiferal tests from dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Foraminiferal tests and sand grains
From dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Foraminiferal tests
From dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Foraminiferal tests
From dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Foraminiferal tests
From dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC. Small pelecypod at bottom
Elphidium crispum
Foraminiferal tests from dredge sample off Vancouver Island BC.
Gallery of Freshwater Protist Images
Blepharisma sp.
Blepharisma sp.
Pleuronema sp.?
A common hymenostome ciliate
Unidentified flagellate
Testate Amobeba
A testate amoeba from tree moss at Grandon Creek (Qualicum Beach BC)
Euglyphia compressa
A testate ameoeba from tree moss at Grandon Creek (Qualicum Beach BC)
Gallery of Sand Grain Images
Sand from Grenada W.I. beach
Sand from Grenada W.I. beach
From beach sample Saddle Island NZ
From St. Lucia beach sand sample
Sand sample
From Nicola Lake BC
Sand sample
From Nicola Lake BC
Sand sample
From beach sand sample from Nicaragua
From beach sample at Mayne Island BC
Sand sample
From beach sample at Mayne Island BC
Sand sample
From Nicola lake
Gallery of Rotifer Images
Philodinus sp.
Rotifers from tree moss at Grandon Creek (Qualicum Beach BC)